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Base de données des géraniums vivaces |
A | - | B | - | C | - | D | - | E | - | F | - | G | - | H | - | I | - | J | - | K | - | L | - | M | - | N | - | O | - | P | - | Q | - | R | - | S | - | T | - | U | - | V | - | W | - | X | - | Y | - | Z |
x oxonianum 'Hexham White' () |
Obtention :Robin Moss (UK) Protologue / première publication :Geranium Register, release 3, 2008 Existence dans la collection :x Registre International: statut :valide |
Description horticole : Rhs trial 2004: A good, pure white-flowered White’ (4) (78B/C) mid October cultivar but with a tendency to fall apart later in the season. In Register: A garden seedling found by Robin Moss of Hexham, Northumberland. Entered into the RHS Trials in 2004. Described as "Perfect white, no blush. Very floriferous, pure white rounded flowers. Jun - Aug. 75 cms." |
Base de données - Historique - Bibliographie - Herbiers - Registre International - Nomenclature - Associations - Botanique - Newsletter |
réalisation LALIA 2009 |