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Base de données des géraniums vivaces |
A | - | B | - | C | - | D | - | E | - | F | - | G | - | H | - | I | - | J | - | K | - | L | - | M | - | N | - | O | - | P | - | Q | - | R | - | S | - | T | - | U | - | V | - | W | - | X | - | Y | - | Z |
phaeum var. lividum 'Lavender Pinwheel' () |
Introduction :Hillview Hardy Plants, 2012 Obtention :Amateur de la province of Drenthe en Hollande Existence dans la collection :x Registre International: statut :valide Synonyme : G. phaeum 'Calligrapher' ? |
Description horticole : D. Evrard 2016: Un joli geranium phaeum de 50 cm de haut au beau feuillage marbré comme 'Calligrapher', un peu moins que 'Samobor'. Les fleurs qui sont un peu récurvées en arrière sont lavande avec un veinage violet à partir d'un centre blanc. Le bord des pétales présente de toutes petites tâches foncées. De Wroomen garden products (Hollande): Excellent plant for adding bold color to rock gardens, mixed borders as well as perennial borders. Many Cranesbill varieties can also be used as groundcover.
Dans le blog de Graham Rice du 30 juillet 2009: This lovely new hardy geranium has delightful flowers - and an interesting history. Geranium phaeum ‘Lavender Pinwheel' has the usual dark green mound of spring foliage, with maroon-purple blotches, but it's the flowers which are special. Each flower is pale lavender, with violet veins radiating from a green eye, then the edge of each petal features a dark, picotee rim. The result is a delicate patterning of colour, with misty shadows where the petals overlap. The individual flowers are rumoured to be up to 5cm/2in across (I've not yet seen a live plant but this seems highly overoptimistic) but it's their pretty colouring and patterning with marks them out. ‘Lavender Pinwheel' has an interesting story. It was bred by an amateur gardener living in the province of Drenthe in the north east of The Netherlands. He wasn't particularly knowledgeable, just dabbling with breeding hardy geraniums as a hobby after he retired. Five or six years ago, some buyers from the Dutch growers De Vroomen (no retail sales - they supply plants to many retail nurseries) were visiting the area. They noticed an old aircraft rusting away in a private garden they visited and asked about it. It turned out that the plane had crashed during World War Two and the home owner had asked to keep it. As the conversation turned to why the De Vroomen people were in the area, the plane owner's enthusiasm for hardy geraniums came to light. This variety was spotted in his collection, and he gave permission for it to be assessed at the De Vroomen test garden.
Notes : D. Evrard 2016: Hillview Hardy Plants est une pépinière située Worfield, Nr Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV15 5NT, U.K. Elle est tenue par la famille Millington qui détiens la collection nationale d'acanthe. |
Base de données - Historique - Bibliographie - Herbiers - Registre International - Nomenclature - Associations - Botanique - Newsletter |
réalisation LALIA 2009 |